Friday, April 5, 2013

This Is the Color of My Dreams

These photos are also from Hawaii, I editted "roots" again to get a greener darker feel, I dont know why, I just liked it better. The first and third photo are of the same flower, I think I'm going to use the second photo of the flower over the first because I like it better and it has motion and it's not as centered. I probably won't use the photo of the kayaks because it doesn't represent my concentration ideas, I will replace it with one of my breadth photos in my breadth portfolio. The blue and greenish photo, third one from the bottom, is a picture of mold growing on a dying tree, I like it, not because it's dying but that it represents the circle of life, how with one thing leaving the world something new enters, in this case the tree is leavingand the mold and lichen is entering and they will grow and produce. The second photo I call the garden of Eden, I don't know if I will use it in my concentration even though I love it, it's just not abstract enough.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Bal du moulin de la Galette

Today I uploaded my pictures and edditted them so their true and full potential would show. I hope you like them, I took them in Hawaii.

Monday, April 1, 2013

The scream

I took a lot of photos while I was in Hawaii! Many pictures of the Hawaiian culture and many of vegetation and nature, unfortunately I split my foot in half while there and in all the chaos of trying to walk this morning I forgot my camera at home, *debbie downer music*. I am planning on bringing my camera tomorrow and uploading and editting them tomorrow after school. While I was on vacation I watched one of my favorite movies, The Breakfast Club, it made me inspired to look into a concentration about high school and all the pressures and stereotypes, and how it is kind've dark and the fact that we spend the first half of our lives in school preparing to go to work and then the second half working and then we die. I wanted to capture the dark essence of high school. This is my experimentation for today. Thank you.

I looked up what colors expressed stress to make the viewer feel stressed when they looked at the first picture, reds greens, and blacks all make people feel stressed so I tried to edit it with those colors, I dont know if I like the look of it yet, but it's a work in progress. The second I took the other day while taking pictures of nature outside, I editted it to look dark and solid, with lines to make it look serious and confining. The third picture I was going to use in my hands concentration, but I wanted it to portray stress of high school instead. The fourth is a picture of how school takes forever, I used lines to represent time and length, and I made sure nobody was around to symbolize induviduality, and how sometimes people feel like their just kids and life is a nightmare, and they are all alone.