Thursday, March 21, 2013

Les Soeurs D'Estrees

This week I've been working on Man Versus Nature and abstraction between both of those.I didn't take many photos I worked mostly on editting the ones I already had, I plan on taking hundreds during my trip to Hawaii over spring break. The one with Ansley and the blue statue is called spirit animal, and I wanted to portray how on the outside we are stiff and rigid forced by society not to show emotion but on the in side we are individual and free. The grass with the fence I call territory because back in the pioneer times you didn't need a fence, you built a house and that was that, you had settled land, now we are crammed together seperated by fences. I altered the meat is muder photo and made the grapefruit match the hue of the meat. The lamp and the bark photo is about how plastic is polluting the earth and filling it with CO2, while trees breath in CO2 and exhale clean fresh oxygen for us to breath. The lantern is an experiment with color and vibrance I don't know what I have planned for it.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Dogs Playing Poker

This week I took a few batches of photos and editted them. I'm thinking about changing my concentration to abstraction of circles in nature and man made things. I was thinking I could do circles because of the circle of life and how that has a major role in nature. The self portrait was my chamillion photo, and I was thinking I could use it in my concentration but I don't know how it could fit in.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Las Dos Fridas

I forgot to do a reflection for my last post so here it is: I've abandoned the idea of doing hands and indentity, instead I'm going to work with abstraction and man vs. nature. I am in the process of writing a new mission statement for my blog, it should be up by friday. With the new pictures I'm taking I'm trying to include depth and make it three dimensional, because I seem to be having trouble with that. On monday I went outside and took some photos, I'm still deciding whether to edit them or not, but heres the better of the pieces I took before being editted.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Dance Amongst Daggers

The rusted manhole is going to be editted by tomorrow and put side by side with the other man hole I had for man v nature. I'm thinking I'm going to be changing my concentration to man v. nature and abstract.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

American Gothic

I  don't know if I could include these into my concentration but I like them anyway and so I thought I'd post them online. The first picture is a picture of a dying bush in my yard, and the second is of meat. I took the first photo while I was exploring the idea of man v nature, and I tok the second when I was taking a picture of Ansley cooking, my personal connection to the photo is that I'm a vegetarian and I wanted people to see how bloody and gross the meat they eat is. Who knows I'm still exploring. I have arrangements to have hand models today.

Friday, March 1, 2013

This Is Not A Pipe

I've decided to name each new post after a famous piece of art, thus "This Is Not A Pipe." This week I took a few more photos hands. At first it was easy to just take a shot of a family member's hand and now it's becoming difficult to capture other people's hands because I don't like taking pictures at school due to the light and outside of school my hand subjects don't have the time nor the patience to get their hand picture taken. I'm still stuck on the idea of hands and individualism, this week I explored the idea of inner peace as a concentration, but to no avail. I thought I could turn my one of my hand photos into a photo story; each hand being a piece of a heart shape and photoshop collaged together to make up one heart, if that makes sense, sorry that was weird to put into words, it'll make sense when it's done and I post it. When I had my critigue during the end of first semester the comment was made that I take very good geometric shape photos; I'm wondering if there is a way I can incorporate my strength of shapes into my concentration. The bike gears are going to be in the photo story of the hand with the stethoscope. The colthes are going with the hand with the cellphone. And the hand that is cooking is going to be it's own photo story. The arm with with bracelet I liked for the hands project because it showed culture and experience. The lights and the prayer flag were my experimentation with inner peace and religion.