Thursday, March 21, 2013

Les Soeurs D'Estrees

This week I've been working on Man Versus Nature and abstraction between both of those.I didn't take many photos I worked mostly on editting the ones I already had, I plan on taking hundreds during my trip to Hawaii over spring break. The one with Ansley and the blue statue is called spirit animal, and I wanted to portray how on the outside we are stiff and rigid forced by society not to show emotion but on the in side we are individual and free. The grass with the fence I call territory because back in the pioneer times you didn't need a fence, you built a house and that was that, you had settled land, now we are crammed together seperated by fences. I altered the meat is muder photo and made the grapefruit match the hue of the meat. The lamp and the bark photo is about how plastic is polluting the earth and filling it with CO2, while trees breath in CO2 and exhale clean fresh oxygen for us to breath. The lantern is an experiment with color and vibrance I don't know what I have planned for it.

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